Sitemap - 2023 - True Magic

Xmas special #2: Gifts, trees & nativity scenes as paraliturgy

Why you gotta be so weird?

Xmas special #1: Impressing heavenly patterns into time

The Doctrine of Participation

[S1E4] Modesty isn't about what you wear, but what you wear is about modesty

Only a materialist starts an argument with, “It’s just…”

Vocation, part 9: how God calls mothers to image him as life-givers

An open manifesto for Christian paranormalish ministry

The Narnian Digest

What I know for sure about UFOs

Symbolic intensivism, expensive wedding rings & sacrifice

Talky Bnonnsense #4: Noodle Theory

[S1E3.5] Identity, masking & magic

[S1E3] Clothing as corporate identity

Reading list

The Language of Creation: Cosmic Symbolism in Genesis by Matthieu Pageau

Understanding subtle bodies

Why people are weird about head coverings

Talky Bnonnsense #3: Smokey's nine favorite facts + one more from Bnonn

Join the new Signal group for True Magic

Join the Signal group

[S1E2] Clothing as a language

The postmillennial future of cars

Spiritual patterns and modern architecture

Talky Bnonnsense #2: must you take your husband's name?

[S1E1] Would we be naked if not for sin?

We have induced upon ourselves a doglike mind

Talky Bnonnsense #1: what do we owe the dead?

Six days straight of symbolic death

Seven things that are essential for understanding God’s creation & our place in it, but seem completely insane to the modern mind

Re-enchanting Time: A Primer on How Christ’s Lordship Re-enchants Time-Keeping by Josh Robinson

[S1E0] What the heck is true magic?

The modern Christian hermeneutic in a 4-panel comic

A taste of True Magic on the Rebel Podcast with Nate Wright

Seven things that are essential for understanding God’s creation & our place in it, but seem completely insane to the modern mind